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Ship 15x faster. Rollback in minutes!

Automate proven best practices for Site Reliability Engineering. Accelerate code to customer velocity, gain rapid customer insights, all without compromise!

Merge Queue

Facilitate faster code submissions

Automated Rebasing

Automatically rebase pull requests with the latest changes from the main branch to minimize conflicts and ensure a smooth merge.

Maintain a green main branch

Automatically run CI checks on the main branch during rebasing to ensure it always remains stable.

Probabilistic Merging

Potentially merge pull requests out of order based on the likelihood of success, enabling faster delivery.


Manage dependencies for microservices with a dependency graph

Code Snapshots

Changesets capture a snapshot of the entire codebase at a specific point in time.

Dependency Management

Identify and manage dependencies across the entire stack, ensuring consistent and reliable builds.

Structured Rollouts

Changesets enable the deployment of all changes together, guaranteeing consistent and dependable deployments.

Immutable Infrastructure

Maintain clean infrastructure with every changeset

Isolated Deployments

Each changeset is deployed to a separate, isolated environment, guaranteeing clean and reliable deployments.

Reduced Risk

Run integration tests in the new environment before routing traffic to ensure a smooth transition.

Simplified Experimentation

Immutable infrastructure encourages experimentation without the risk of disrupting production, fostering innovation and faster iteration cycles.

Progressive Rollouts

Deliver code to customers faster

Early Issue Detection

Rolling out changes to a small group of users allows for early detection of issues before they impact the entire user base.

Shorter Release Cycles

Push out updates more frequently without the fear of widespread disruptions, accelerating innovation and adaptation.

Quick Rollbacks

In case of major issues, quickly rollback the changeset with configuration changes within minutes, minimizing impact on the user base.

With durable delivery, you focus on what matters most. Your customers!
Leave the complexity of distributed system and cloud to us as we you help you achieve high availibility and high performance.

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